☛ Pug is an ancient dog that can be traced back to some 2000 years.
They were developed as refined pets for the Chinese emperor.
Later on, they became the mascot of Holland's royal House of Orange
when the pug saved the life of the Prince of Orange.
The Pug was also a pet of the Buddhist monastries in Tibet.
In mordern day, Pugs make an ideal house dog and enjoy the company of
kids and old folks alike.
☛ Pugs may have been famous in other countries throughout time
but they gained fame in India due to their adorable representative,
This infamous pug starred in the iconic vodafone ads.These ads became so iconic
that the breed is fondly known as 'THE VODAFONE DOG'.
Vodafone may not have been able to acquire wide customer base as they intended
with their ads, but pugs managed to acquire large fan base as a consequence of
the ad campaign.
☛ The pug by the name of Hash may not be familiar to everyone but
to me he has the same celebrity status as Cheeka.He is the much
loved member of my family.
Though he doesn't live with me, the giant puppy eyes and flat snout
leaves a lasting impact on the very first meet.
The downside of owning this tiny dog, that I can think of is their
fear of stairs - which is simply due to the fact
that stairs are too high for them.
For more information, check out Pug on Wikipedia. [ Developed by @ Anjali Rao S G. ]
To adopt a pug Click here