For those who haven't heard...

Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. Set and filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the series follows Walter White (Bryan Cranston), an underpaid, overqualified, and dispirited high-school chemistry teacher who is struggling with a recent diagnosis of stage-three lung cancer. White turns to a life of crime and partners with a former student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), to produce and distribute methamphetamine to secure his family's financial future before he dies, while navigating the dangers of the criminal underworld.

Some mindblowing facts

Breaking bad is arguably one of the greatest television shows of all time. It has the joint highest ever rating for a series on
The show also boasts of the only perfect rated episode in the world. Ozymandias Ep-14 of Season 5 has been rated 10/10 on IMDb.

Major Characters

Walter Hartwell White Sr alias
Heisenberg is the protagonist.
Show follows his journey
from a school teacher to a
dreaded drug kingpin.
Jesse Bruce Pinkman is the
secondary protagonist of the show.
He is a meth cook and dealer
and pairs with his former
high school teacher
Walter White
to run a new drug syndicate.
Skyler "Sky" White is the wife of
Walter H White.
Some love her. Some feel for her
and most hate her.
But no one will deny,
she brought the drama to the show.
Saul Goodman is a "criminal" lawyer.
He acts as the consigliere for the
meth cooks Walt and Jesse playing
an important role in the growth
of their drug empire.
He is egocentric,unscrupulous
and is the comic relief to the show.
Henry(Hank) R Shrader ASAC
is an officer of the
Drug Enforcement Authority.
He is also Walter White's
brother in law.
A smart,shrewd and a righteous cop
who is just in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
Gustavo "Gus" Fring is the
primary antagonist of show.
He is the owner of fast food chain
Los Pollos Hermanos.
In the hindsight, he runs
the drug syndicate of Alberquerque.

Some Famous Quotes

Why should you watch this

I watched this two months ago. And eversince, it has been my favourite. It presents some of the most insane ideas in the most realistic way possible. This has the least plotholes possible for a show. The series specially picks pace in the 4th and 5th seasons and goes ballistic in terms of screenplay. Totally unpredictable and action packed. Most of the characters are relatable. Their arcs, looking from a broader perspective just seem perfect. You understand about human tendencies and how different people react to similar situations. If you are interested in poetic references, this show will not disappoint. And for aspiring show/filmmakers, this is a full fledged course in itself .